Baking Means Measuring

Anthropologie Fish Food Measuring Spoon

I've been doing a heck of a lot of baking lately, reason?  I've decided to bake my Dad a cake for his up and coming birthday in August... from scratch naturally.  As a result I've been frantically testing cake recipes as well as taking the opportunity to whip my baking skills into shape.  And in the middle of it all I found this very cute measuring utensil and thought how becoming it would be in my country kitchen.

Country Yoga Wear at Alternative

The Nikita Low-Back Top

Recently I signed up at the nearest Yoga Studio near me, I pay a flat rate and go to as many yoga classes I need for the month.  Yoga proves to be very helpful in these hectic times, simply living in the city can drive one crazy.  I found yoga to be very relaxing... soothing, after a class I always feel better.  So the question is, is yoga needed in country living?  My answer is "yes" and though you may not need yoga the way you need it in the city, yoga is truly for the soul, for comfort of mind and body and that's good anywhere you go.

The Fillmore Pant

Dear God, Save Me From The Sounds Of The City

Tonight before I put myself to bed to what hopefully will be a nice deep slumber, I will pray, and the prayer will go something like this, 

"Dear God, please save me from the sounds of the city, please make possible my dream of a quaint little village in the country side where one's slumber is not rudely awakening by the loud passing of cars or even worse... the loud obnoxious neighbors throwing a party at 3AM ... on THURSDAY!"

Who throws a party on Thursday anyways?!  For a brief moment last night I thought I was back in college!  It was absolutely dreadful and as I sit here in bed writing this post with a mad beating heart at why my deep slumber had to be so rudely awakened at 3AM with a plot thickening in my brain on how I may best ruin THEIR weekend I am wishing that I was far far away from the city.

Give me a quaint little village or even just a little quaint home far far away from the sounds of the city.

A Modern Country Bedroom

I always thought modernity was the complete opposite of country, perhaps it is, but still the two seems to go together beautifully.

Mustn't Lose Track Of The Days

Even now in the city when I'm at work at home I lose track of time and that includes days, a lot of the time I'll be a day or two ahead and sometimes even a day or two behind.  I imagine living in the quiet country-side may very well do the same, so naturally a calendar of some sort would help.  I saw this vintage travel themed wall calendar and thought it absolutely perfect!

I'd hang it on the wall right next to my work desk!

Vintage Travel Wall Calendar $21.95 @ Anthropologie

Going for a dip in the lake

Anthropologie Pop-Of-Dots Bikini

It's been pretty warm lately, okay, warm might be a slight understatement, it's been deliriously hot... for me anyways.  Coming from a long time living in Santa Barbara this Los Angeles summer is killer, and I don't mean "killer" in a good way either.

In the country during hot summer days a swim in the lake would be in order, and I've found the perfect swimwear for a country dip!

For more Anthropologie swimwear please click.

Gazpacho, perfect for a hot summer day

Delicious and refreshing for warm weather.

After a hard days work out in the sun tending to my vegetable gardens and furry friends, perhaps I went out for a walk to the local farmer's market.  My feet are killing me and I'm hot- a nice cold 2-day old Gazpacho would really do the trick!

When Hosting An Outdoor Dinner Party In The Country This Is What I'd Wear

Summer time inevitably means warm still nights and the crickets will most likely be singing until daybreak.  To celebrate the tranquil country side during the summer it'd only be proper to host a fancy dinner party!  Candle lamps, table cloth, lanterns in the tree, a pitcher of ice cold lemonade, a bottle of good wine, roast beef, beet salad with lots of dill, a platter of freshly picked veggies, hot rolls with butter, twice baked potatoes and key-lime pie to give it a nice finish.  What do you wear on such a nice warm-weather occasion? 

Orion London Shop Kiyana Dress

Born Lark sandals

Sometimes accessory is key and this necklace just happens to be the key for this dinner outfit, without it the outfit just doesn't have that something special that all outfits should have.

Topshop Filigree Leaf Collar Necklace
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