I Want To Be Here

It's 10AM Friday... 

And I'm tired, this is how you know it's been a long week, and what have I got to show for this seemingly long tired week?  Absolutely nothing, nil, ZERO, this thought makes me even more tired.  I crave that house in the country now more than ever!  This very instant!  What I wouldn't give to sit on that wrap around porch with a cup of hot coffee watching the dogs play and the chickens clucking about.

Keeping Vegetables

Can you smell the garlic and chili?  It smells like Thai food in the country, outside in a field of grass a dinner party will be hosted in a twinkle-lit yard, this sounds quite grand!

French Country Bedroom

My last most recent post on the 16th Workshop tall Chest Of Drawers that I envision for my country bedroom in my country house made me think of... well, my country bedroom!  I found this charming bedroom and had to post it, the ceilings are a bit low and though I am myself, vertically challenged I must account for the TALL-ness of my lover.

However, quite taken with it's French feel produced by the wood floors, stone walls and beamed ceiling and of course the french-like decor I am absolutely charmed!

Chest Of Drawers

3' x 3'11" Made from Oregon salvaged logs

It would be one of the main highlights of the bedroom and would most likely be over-looked from the beauty of the vase full of wild flowers hand-picked not too far from home, and they would be standing among the many charming dishes that would hold bits of trinkets and perhaps a picture frame or two.  Sleek, humble, modern yet earthy these are the words that I use to describe this statement making Chest Of Drawers by 16th Workshop.

For More items by 16th Workshop click here

Blazing Fiery Flowers On My Wall

Anthropologie Blazing Poppies Wallpaper $148

I found the perfect wallpaper, for now, to picture my kitchen or perhaps the entry hall in.  Bright colored flowers to keep a good balance with neutral colored furnishings and lots of wood, how I love wood furnishings!  I expect that in the dark the walls would be more so than usual with all these colors on them, but during the day when the sun is about to set, and it hangs just right in the sky not high nor too low the sun rays will hit he wallpaper just right and my walls will be all aglow.

It Reminds Me Of A Time In Provence, Though I've Never Been There

Free People Cantina Wrap Maxi Skirt $128

There's something about long wrap skirts that remind me of walking through the hillsides of Provence, I've never been to Provence - I'm sure you're laughing at me now, but one can dream.  As I was perusing Free People online I saw this lovely wrap skirt simple with repeating floral print and yet unique with the side design.  It's casual and not but 100% comfortable, and the comfortable part is what usually really counts with me.

Home-Made Strawberry Lemonade Anyone?

Anthropologie Rainy Window Glass
Hot days like these make me think of how warm it would be in the country, hopefully it'll be sunny with a cool breeze almost every day, my favorite kind of weather.  I would kick up my heels in the yard and watch the dogs that would surely be named something like Winter and Quark romp around all the while I sip on something iced.

A French Country Kitchen

When I think of my life in the country I think of cooking and gardening.  I found this picture of a quaint french kitchen that I thought you would enjoy.  I can practically smell the bacon!  And bacon makes me smile :)

My Very Own Fresh Organic Eggs

Anthropologie Farmer's Egg Crate

How fun it would be to have my own free-range chicken running around clucking about at my heels.  I would gingerly pick out the eggs from their nests and set it in a Farmer's Egg Crate egg holder, yes I would need some kind of nonsense like this for my eggs because they wouldn't be just ANY eggs, they would be MY very own fresh, organic eggs!

A Chicken Makes An Egg A Day

Did you know that a chicken makes an egg a day?  I actually don't know if that's true but this is what I've heard.  Sadly I don't even know what FRESH eggs taste like but I bet their DE-lic-IOUS!  I would savor every single little thing about fresh eggs even taking care of the couple of chickens we'd have and I don't even like birds!  Actually, I think they're a bit frightful but for a fresh onion chive omelet it'll be worth it!

Welcome Little Birds!

Anthropologie Carriage Birdhouse

And if there are going to be birds, as I said there would be birds and bees, very important to my gardening, then I must provide the best for their efforts- it shall not go unnoticed!  I shall hang or let stand the welcoming birdhouse to the lowest but thick branch of a great tree not too far off from the house.  On warm days I will sit at a table in the middle of the yard and eat strawberries while I watch my bunnies hop, hop, hop along all the while hearing the birds fluttering and chirping about the birdhouse.

Anthropologie Carriage Birdhouse

There Will Be Birds & Bees

From Anthropologie comes in varieties, 5 bombs per bag

As I know that gardening will be one of my main hobbies in my life in the country I must be able to count on the birds and the bees to do their duty.  I won't pretend that I am a horticulture expert, if that is indeed what they are called, but I do know birds and bees are very important to the on-going life of plants and things.

Anthropologie Seed Bombs

Ode to a dream

I dream of a house in the country, where I can tend a small vegetable garden
and raise a few chickens, dogs and a cat

When you become a blogger whether it's for your personal life or work life I strongly believe that you can come to know yourself better.  Successful blogs tend to focus on a specific genre within the general genre, in a word they find a "niche".  Sometimes finding one's niche is hard, as it was with me, after almost a year of blogging and trying to figure out who I was inside, 'what is  my niche?' became the ultimate question.  And through countless hours of blog post writing I've decided to create Shimmering Gold Fields for myself alone.  It's not quite a niche but it's my dream, and it's the one thing I want most, a house in the country with room for a small vegetable garden a few chickens, dogs and a cat.  This blog is my ode to that hopefully, not too distant future.

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