A country bed

A very country bed for a very country home?

Country love elsewhere: Sweden

I have a few Swedish friends, and recent contact with them has got me thinking about Sweden, so here are Swedish cottages in the country-side for you.


Try heirloom in your garden

Heirloom Seed Collection by Terrain

I love to grow my own vegetables, granted my thumb isn't quite the greenest and I'm still an amateur grower, and I live in a city where growing can be a bit of a challenge sometime... Regardless of all these set-backs, I'm still a grower at heart.  And I know I would love these collection of heirloom seeds as a gift.  So if you know anyone that loves to grow, the Heirloom Seed Collection by Terrain would make a perfect gift!

It comes packaged in a vintage-style burlap bag with a booklet of descriptions and history of each vegetable!

Seeds included are:

Christmas pole lima beans
Broccoli calabrese
Tonda di parigi carrot
Lemon cucumber
Louisiana long green eggplant
Mervielle des quatre saisons lettuce

Or, be creative and take the next step to make it even more personable by creating your own heirloom seed collection gift.

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