Walking The Dog

Today I await for my brother to call me to join him in coffee and taking Marvin his little Yorkie to the dog park, I admit that I am excited, it's not everyday that I get to run around and play so closely to a dog.  I've grown up with dogs my entire life but it has been some time since I've had the company of a dog of my own and I do miss it terribly.  So here I am, excited and ready for that trip to the dog park.

But while I wait... here's this, Amenities Macrame Hemp Dog Leash, made of natural fibers boasting simple natural beauty.


For more Amenity products click here

Fundays in Topshop's Red Persian Trousers

On Sundays I like to do nothing responsible, instead I opt for a leisurely bike ride to the Farmer's Market, I opt to bake some kind of pie, I eat out, I take naps- Sundays can be best described as my Funday.  And I think I'd love to do them in this Red Persian Floral Print Wide leg Trousers by TopShop.  They're colorful, fun, carefree & non-restricting, very much like Funday.

For the official Topshop site click here

Country Urbanite

My very significant other  and I have discussed and feel it is time to look for a new place, but more than just a NEW place, our very own place- how sweet those words are to me.  The young budding adults that we are it was decided to find yet another place in the city for the sake of work, a town or condo loft in the modern style is what we are heavily leaning towards- this got me thinking, and then I found this picture... My thoughts?  One day.

Rings To Bring Me Back Home

Topshop, rose, bead & semi precious stack rings $20

I've been so utterly busy as of late I haven't had the time to keep up with my posts, during times like these when one has to try just to come up for a breath of fresh air are the times when I yearn the peace and quiet that a country home would give me.  I knew today was time to post because all I can think about is being there in the country home, just me and the trees... and critters.

But when one can't get away there's always little things to bring you back where you want to be, inside at least even if not physically.  Topshop's Rose, Bead & Semi Precious Stack Rings brings me back to the country home, simple with beads and roses it makes me think of... well...  walking through shimmering gold fields.

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